Webmaster Notes
Gundam Wing
The second fandom I wanted to look for fics for, since it was so huge around 2000 and then became basically nonexistent as a fandom after 2005ish - meaning there would be tons of fics not on ao3. My personal experience in the fandom is very small - I dabbled in it for maybe a day or two on ao3 but didn't really get too into anything, so my lack of fandom knowledge could be a hindrance here.
I was very delighted at a couple of fics I found - several by Jei were hosted on a .edu site, which I found very unique. I was also happy to find one fic, Maxwell's Demon, to be in the simple form of a .txt file, in a usenet fic-esque style. The concept of usenet still confuses me some, but I found an excellent archive, so I want to incorporate it on the site somehow. If FFN fics are slowly becoming forgotten, usenet fics are already practically faded into obscurity.
Oops on the tangent - back to GW. A lot of fics were harder to find for this fandom than Naruto. Most Naruto fics were posted on established archives or commercial sites; GW fics, however, were mostly published on personal sites, and the vast majority of those no longer exist. Likely knowing this, many authors requested their fics be added to various archives. It's taken a bit to find enough currently online archives (some of those sites disappeared also, alas), but they have been quite helpful. I believe most of the GW fics are actually under the "Fan archive" source tag.
One of the weakest points of the GW index so far is the complete domination of Duo/Heero fics. Only one indexed fic of 24 as of writing this has a different main pairing (many fics have numerous secondary pairings, however). I know that it's the most popular pairing, but I really need to find a way to diversify more...
If you want a bit of a behind the scenes look at my process (or just more fics), here's a link to my fic compilation google doc. It's a list of every single recced GW fic I've found, but the only information is the title and there are no guarantees the links work. Also, it's about 17 pages long.
What a great way to start out this pet project! The old Naruto web community is an absolute treasure trove of half-forgotten fics. There's also a pretty great variety of pairings - though I won't lie, I was not expecting Lee/Sakura to be as popular as it apparently was!
Naruto was the first fandom that I got really into looking for reclists for personal reading, which means it was pretty much my inspiration for this site. I try not to mention which ships I read just to seem more unbiased, but I have no problem saying here that it was KxI fic. I know SNS is the biggest ship in the fandom, but I think I'm just at the age where teenage boy shenanigans don't appeal to me much - I'm a fan of their flop adult era, though. But look, SNS still has the most fics on the index! Look at me being all impartial.
Frankly, the main problem with this fandom is that there's so much to find. My fic link compilation google doc (here) is 47 pages long! I took a break from Naruto indexing at 130 fics, but I could go back to the list I already have and probably add 50 more easy. And on top of that, there's a massive reclist backlog as well. If I ever somehow run out of other fics and fandoms to archive, I can always come back to this one.
As a special mention, Naruto has both the first and 100th fics indexed on this site: Tangled up in Lace by crazy-toffee and water displacement by two if by sea respectively.